Buildings & Structures



You can build a model of a trebuchet or catapult using Project Sticks or Project Board. Use Talus or a pebble for the munitions.



Use Project Board to make the ship’s hull and Project Cloth for the sails. Paint cool nautical insignias on the sails to help identify the vessel.

Log Cabin

Log Cabin

Cut the log cabin from Project Board using the log cabin pattern. Use a dull pencil to indent the boards and knots and then paint over the entire cabin. Use a black wash over the paint to bring out the detail of the logs.

Frank Lloyd Wright

Frank Lloyd Wright

Choose the architecture you wish to model, such as F.L. Wright’s “Fallingwater”. Use Project Board and other materials from the Building & Structures Kit to build the model. Add trees, bushes and water for a realistic look!

Covered Wagon

Covered Wagon

There were several different types of covered wagons. Do your research and find out what type you need to build. Project Board is great for the bed and buckboard of the covered wagon. Use Project Cloth to make the cover.